
Payment methods

General payment information
You can choose one of the following, safe online paymentmethods. All transactions are made by dedicated and certified paymentproviders so we can gauaranty your transaction is safe

1. CreditCard

We accept a wide variaty of creditcards, e.a. MasterCard, American Express and VISA creditcards

2. PayPal: [email protected]

3. Buckaroo
For your payments you can use Buckaroo, a paymentsystem that provides the most popular paymentmethods for webshops. It's fast, safe and easy.

4. iDEAL (Netherlands)

iDEAL allows you to pay for your online purchases safely, securely and easily. You will pay for your order in a secure online payment environment, with the specific security methods of your own bank. As an internet banker, you can use iDEAL immediately, without needing to register first. iDEAL only works for customers with a bank account based in the Netherlands

5. Bantransfer/ Mister Cash (Belgium)

6. Banktransfer (World-wide)

If you do not have a credit card or bank account that is suitable for use with iDEAL or PayPal, you may also pay by bank transfer. Please transfer the total amount of your invoice to the BEMA-shopping bank account, quoting the order number as a reference. We will process your order as soon as we have received your payment.

Main bankaccount for international payments:
RABO-Bank Venlo

Bema Shopping B.V.
Accountnumber : 157874990
IBAN: NL45RABO0157874990

For German customers:
RABO-Bank Venlo
Bankrekeninghouder: Bema Shopping B.V.
Plaats: Venlo
IBAN: NL45RABO0157874990